Ragie.ai logo markRagie.ai logo text

    Build AI Applications
    Powered With Your Data

    Secure Retrieval Augmented Generation APIs for Developers

    Why Ragie?

    Simplified Data Ingestion icon

    Simplified Data Ingestion

    Ragie streamlines ingestion, chunking, and multimodal indexing of structured and unstructured data.

    Smart Querying and Generation icon

    Smart Querying and Generation

    Built-in features like query rewrite, chunk reranking, and flexible vector filtering help you deliver state of the art GenAI.

    Agent Ready icon

    Agent Ready

    Seamless integration with agenic systems injects accurate and actionable knowledge into your workflows.

    Develop using the
    latest AI tech.

    Ragie dramatically speeds up development and deployment so you can focus on building apps, instead of dealing with infrastructure and keeping up with AI research.

    0import Ragie from "ragie";
    2const ragie = new Ragie("sk_1234567890");
    3const res = await ragie.gen(
    4 "What integration issues have customers like acme faced?",
    5 {
    6 rerank: true,
    7 filters: {
    8 tags: { $in:["support", "sales"] },
    9 },
    10 });

    Working with Ragie helped us deliver in 3 weeks instead of 3 months.

    Evan Owen headshot

    Evan Owen
    CEO and Co-Founder, Glue

    Glue icon

    Ragie powers Glue as discussed on All-In Podcast

    Supercharge your AI development today.