Case Studies
October 23, 2024

Ellis Speeds up their Legal Drafting Speed by 10x using Ragie's RAG system

Danny Varty
VP of Sales

Ellis is a high-tech immigration law firm focused on simplifying the U.S. immigration process for its clients. The team was faced with the challenge of manually drafting legal briefs. Each brief typically has 15 to 25 pages, and it takes around 1-2 days for the paralegals and lawyers to draft, which makes the process very slow and resource-intensive.

“The legal brief has always been manually drafted by lawyers and paralegals. We realized using a RAG on top of our Google Drive with Ragie could simplify this process while keeping human oversight.”

Ellis needed a solution to streamline document drafting by pulling relevant data from multiple sources, without compromising accuracy.


Ellis explored various options before adopting Ragie's RAG-as-a-Service platform to automate the retrieval and drafting process for legal briefs, which involved integration with their Google Drive and other document sources.

“We evaluated building it in-house and also looked at OpenAI, but early in our search, we came across Ragie. It fits our needs perfectly.”
  • Connected Google Drive to Ragie to retrieve relevant client documents and legal references.
  • Used Ragie’s APIs to integrate RAG into the drafting process for legal briefs.
  • Implemented a human-in-the-loop review system where paralegals and lawyers review the AI-generated drafts before moving forward with it.


Since implementing Ragie, Ellis has drastically improved the efficiency of its legal brief creation process, reducing the time spent by lawyers and paralegals from days to minutes.

“Our legal drafting is now 5-10x faster with Ragie’s RAG integration.”
  • Reduced legal brief drafting time by 5-10x.
  • Avoided the need to hire additional engineers or AI experts to build and maintain an in-house solution.
  • Continued to improve client-facing and internal processes while maintaining accuracy through human oversight.
  • Saved significant operational costs by outsourcing their RAG infrastructure to Ragie instead of developing it in-house.

Feature Highlight

Ragie’s Google Drive Connector and its ability to pull relevant chunks of information from multiple sources allowed Ellis to automate its previously manual legal brief drafting process, making it faster and more reliable.

“Honestly, it just works. The API is super easy to use, and even the less technical folks on our team find the dashboard fantastic.”
At Ellis, legal briefs were always manually drafted by lawyers and paralegals. We realized that using a RAG on top of our Google Drive could simplify this process while maintaining human oversight. We initially considered building in-house and also evaluated OpenAI, but early in our search, we came across Ragie, and it fit our needs perfectly. Our legal drafting is now 5-10x faster with Ragie’s integration. The API is incredibly easy to use, and even the less technical members of our team love using Ragie through the dashboard!
Sampei Omichi

Sampei Omichi

Founder & CEO, Ellis